Home » Spring 2019 Bucket List

Spring 2019 Bucket List

I recently read a Spring bucket list post authored by Christie Hawkes at So What? Now What?, and it struck me as such a neat thing to do.  The headings that Christie uses for her list appealed to me as well, so that’s how I am structuring my list for now.  So here I go with my first “Bucket List” post!


Health & Fitness

  1. Apply the prescription cream to the designated area on my face to treat the precancerous basal cell carcinoma.  My dermatologist instructed me to do this before the next time I see her.  That was at the end of October.  The cream makes my skin get red and peel like a sunburn.  And of course the area that needs treating is my nose, so all the ugliness will be right smack dab in the middle of my face.  So I’ve been putting it off.  My next appointment with her is at the end of next month, so I’d better get it done.
  2. Stay on top of my training schedule for RAGBRAI.  That means biking 4 times a week whatever distance the schedule has listed for the mileage that week.



  1. Eat at least one meal per week “al fresco”.  This is one way I can savor the springtime weather.
  2. Treat myself to a mani/pedi.  I don’t indulge in this very often.  The last one I had was last summer.
  3. Create and hang my gallery wall.  This will be a biggie if it gets done.  I’ve only been wanting to do it for the last four or five years.  Can anyone say procrastinator?  The joy will come in the feeling of accomplishment once it is finished and in seeing it on the wall every day.

Learning & Growth

  1. Return to my fiddle lessons.
  2. Choose a new Bible study and complete it.


  1. Do a First Monday weekend with Big Eagle.
  2. Connect with a friend or family member at least once a week.  (Texting or messaging through social media does NOT count.  Phone conversations, e-mail, snail mail, or face-to-face DOES.)

That’s it!  I’m looking forward to completing these items.  I want to thank Christie for inviting me to join in this practice.  I think it will help me to live life a little more deliberately or mindfully.


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