Home » March Favorites!

March Favorites!

No way!  We’re already at the end of March?  Seriously?  It seems like it just got here, and now it’s almost gone.  As they say…time flies when you’re having fun!


There’s so much to love about March!  Here are my favorites from this past month.

Favorite #1

Yup!  I’m an American Idol watcher.  I have to watch every episode from the early auditions all the way through to the finale.  And, yes, I download the app onto my phone, and I vote.  All kinds of happiness happened in my heart when ABC brought the show back.  Anybody else out there loving American Idol?



Favorite #2



In March I discovered a new-to-me flavor of coffee that is my new special treat!  Starbuck’s Cinnamon Dolce!  I liked it so much that I went to the Keurig website and ordered 3 more boxes so I wouldn’t run out any time soon.  Even just the smell of it, SO cinnamony, is a treat for the senses.


Favorite #3


Now THIS is fun!  And it’s useful.  I was in H-E-B looking for a bottle of wine to take to my friend as a hostess gift, when a clerk asked if she could help me.  I told her how I wanted to make sure I got a really nice grigio, but I didn’t know how to tell a good one from a mediocre one.  Well, she introduced me to this app called Vivino, and I immediately installed it on my phone.  You take a picture of the label, and it comes back with not only information about the wine, but it rates it according to feedback from people who have actually tried it and reviewed it afterward.  Brilliant!  Now sometimes when I’m at the store even when I’m not shopping for wine, I’ll go down the wine aisle and pick out a few bottles to snap with my app (poetry!) just for the fun of seeing if I can pick a good one.  Sometimes Big Eagle and I make a bit of a competition out of it, seeing who can pick the highest-rated bottle.  Ha!


Favorite #4



This lotion warmer has been a heaven-sent item for my sweet mom.  Her weekday caregiver had told me how Mom screamed out when the caregiver put lotion on her after her bed bath because it was so cold on her skin.  I went on-line and searched for a lotion warmer.  This one was on Amazon and is fairly inexpensive.  So far it has worked great for us.  Mom now enjoys having her lotion applied.  Such a relief!


Favorite #5



My bike is definitely a favorite this month!  Since I’ve started training for RAGBRAI (see post here), I’ve been spending a good amount of time on this baby.  I’ve loved getting outside on it and enjoying the sights and the weather.  Plus the time it’s taking me to complete the rides is reducing as I progress through the training schedule.  Yay!


Favorite #6


You can’t write or think about March without thinking of springtime and the rejuvenation of nature.  So here are some beautiful spring blooms that I witnessed this month.


It seems every year only one of my tulips actually forms a bud and blossoms, even though I have several plants.  But that one blossom is so pretty!


The red bud tree has blossoms for such a short time, so I do my best to enjoy them every year.


One day upon returning from my bike ride, when I tilted my head back to reach under my chin and unfasten my helmet strap this is what I saw.  The picture doesn’t do it justice.  I really must get better at taking pictures.  The sky was such a vivid blue, and the brand-new leaves on this tree were so brilliantly green against that cloudless sky, that I just had to try to capture it.  The leaves don’t look nearly as green in this picture as they did in actuality.


And lastly for the spring blooms, it’s not springtime in Texas without our lovely bluebonnets.  This is just one of the many patches of bluebonnets that I see on my bike route.  And once again, sadly the picture doesn’t bear proper witness to the actual scene.


Favorite #7


And last but definitely not least, this guy:


Big Eagle worked so hard this month, especially doing most of the work to get the garden ready for planting. (See post here) I usually help out a lot more with that, but it just wasn’t in the cards this year.  I had too much other stuff going on.  He also took my car and got a brand new set of tires put on it.  I don’t ever even think about such things, so I’m very thankful that he does!  And he was super diligent about working on our painting update.  He would work at his real job all day, and then use some of his evening hours and his weekends to get more painting done.  Yes, I helped with the painting, too, but I had a much more difficult time motivating myself to get after it than he did.  I love this guy and am so happy to have him in my life!


So there it is!  Let’s enjoy these last few days of March as it hopefully goes out like a lamb, and get ready to welcome April and all that it will bring our way.







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