Home » Winter Bucket List 2025!

Winter Bucket List 2025!

The above picture is from 2021.  We don’t have snow like that…yet, but the FREEZING temps are here!  I haven’t done a bucket list post in over a year, but when I received an email from my blogging buddy Leslie inviting me to join her in creating one, it was just the impetus I needed.  There are things that NEED to happen, so I’m hoping by putting this out there, that I will be motivated to “git ‘er done”!  So without further ado…

Health & Fitness

  1.  I really don’t know what’s going on with my right arm, and I try not to complain too much about maladies.  I do know that the weakness and pain I’m feeling in it has been developing over many years…as in over 14 years.  Anyway, at least now I’ve seen a specialist about it, and I’m in physical therapy twice a week.  So I’m hoping that during the course of this winter, this issue gets resolved!  I’m not seeing significant improvement after 3 weeks of therapy.  I AM doing my at-home exercises faithfully and have 3 weeks of therapy left.  My specialist seems certain that it can be rectified.  Fingers crossed!
  2. Wow!  Now this is really bad!  When I decided to create this list, one of the first things I knew I needed to include was getting new eyeglasses.  Y’all…I looked back at my last bucket list, and this same goal was on there!  Over a year ago!  Ugh.  This one HAS to get done!



These items I have under “Joy”…I’m not sure that’s where they belong, because actually DOING them is rather hard for me, but I know it will give me GREAT joy to have them done!

  1.  I have 3 or 4 boxes of what I would call memorabilia that I brought here to the new house.  They’re sitting in my closet, and I really need to go through them and cull them down to at least just one.  I DO get joy as I’m going through them and remembering things, but also some sadness.  Why is it so hard to get rid of this stuff?
  2. When we moved here about two and a half months ago, any art, pictures, or wall hangings got stacked on the counter in our laundry room.  Hello…they’re STILL there!  I need to figure out where they’re going.  Part of that will be deciding on how exactly to configure or decorate at least one wall…probably the living room.  This has always been a struggle for me, but it’s one I need to tackle.  I know it will give me joy once it’s done.


Learning & Growth

  1.  I have been working through Suzuki Book 2 on Red Desert Violin for so long!  I am in the second to the last unit, and I am just SO READY to be done with it.  It’s been very good for me.  I really feel like I’ve grown a lot through it with my violin playing, but I need a break from it.  I’d like to take a fiddle class before tackling the next Suzuki.  But I HAVE to finish what I started first!
  2. Kind of hand in hand with the above…the strings on my violin haven’t been changed in years, and I can certainly tell they are overdue.  Problem is I’ve never changed them myself.  My previous instructor always did that for me. So I’d like to take my violin to a luthier and have him put on new strings, but also have him show me how to do it myself.  While I’m there, I’d like to also have him assess and tune up my instrument as needed.  I may also inquire about finding a teacher.



  1.  Big Eagle and I have not yet fully explored the natural areas near our new home.  That is something I think would be good for the two of us to do together.  I suppose this could have just as easily been put under Learning & Growth, but it will also be good for our relationship.  We live near Benbrook Lake, and I’m thinking there are many places around it that we need to check out.
  2. There are a couple of restaurants that are new to us that I would like to try out, and I think it would be fun to invite others to accompany us.  One is Heim Barbeque.  I’ve been told the best time to go is happy hour, because then you have the opportunity to try some things from their menu at a little bit cheaper rate.  The other is an Italian restaurant not too far from where we live.  If we even just get to one of these two, I will be happy.  And hopefully, we can strengthen some of our relationships with others by including them in the experience.

There it is…my Winter bucket list.  Why am I feeling a bit daunted right now?  Hope I’m not biting off more than I can chew, I guess.  What about you?  You may not want to do a whole bucket list, but is there a goal you have that you’d like to accomplish during this season?  Sometimes putting it in print makes it a little more attainable for some reason.  I’d love to hear what’s on your mind.  In the meantime, I hope you’re keeping warm wherever you are!


  1. Kim Betts says:

    I admire how you plan and execute your goals and take time to express gratitude. What a great role model for everyone you are. What a nice list. On another note, this latest ice/snow storm is bringing inverted temperatures, when here in Iowa is warmer than locations south. Crazy weather for the moment! ~cousin Tweety

    • Gale says:

      Thanks, Tweet! That’s sweet of you. And yes…crazy weather for sure! When I got up this morning my weather app said is was 22 degrees here, but felt like 9. Brrr! I went to the post office not too long after they opened this morning, and I was able to walk right up to the counter! They’re usually pretty busy on Monday mornings, but I think people were wanting to stay in out of the cold.

  2. So funny to see you report that the weather today was 22* but felt like 9*. My daughter wrote me the very same thing first thing this morning. Brrr. And sounds like you may get some significant snow later this week.

    Great job on your bucket list. I think it is very doable. Especially the hiking and trying new restaurants.

    I started trying to play the keyboard a few years ago after taking piano lessons a lifetime ago. But my fingers don’t work like they used to. Need to get it back out and try again. If fiddling sounds like more fun, then hurry and finish that Suzuki course and get to fiddling!!

    Hope once your PT is completed, you have significant improvement in your arm. Where does it hurt? Did the doctor tell you what the problems is? I am starting another 6 weeks of PT with my foot but very reluctantly. I am moving better but I am not sure if the PT has made the difference. Still having pain and stiffness. Hope we both feel back to our very best very soon.

    Thanks for joining in. Be sure to add your post to the link up so you can make some new friends. XO

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