Springtime 2022 is Here!


The daffodils are looking so good this year!  I don’t ever remember them actually still being around on the first day of Spring.  They usually bloom much earlier, and are gone by now.  I don’t know if that means anything for the rest of our Spring or not.

I love things about all of the seasons, but whenever I’m asked which is my favorite, it’s definitely Spring!  So that’s it!  Just wanted to say Happy First Day of Spring! 🥰



Antarctica Trip Part 5!

I continue to reminisce about our amazing trip to Antarctica last month!  This post will cover our 4th day on the peninsula, Wednesday February 23rd.  With each day that passed, I thought it just couldn’t get better, but somehow it did!

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February Favorites 2022!

This will be a pretty short “favorites” post, because we spent the first half of the month pretty much just staying home in hopes of avoiding COVID so we could go on vacation, and the second half actually on vacation.  But there were a few favorites I want to share, so here they are!

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Antarctica Trip Part 4!

As I begin to type this, we are on our final sea day returning to Ushuaia.  We have finished crossing the Drake Passage and are entering the Beagle Channel.  My last post covered our first day in Antarctica.  With this installment, I will recap both the second and third days of our time on the Antarctic Peninsula. Read more

Let’s Look at What I Eat in a Week!

Joining Erika and Shay today in their “Let’s Look” link-up!  “Let’s Look” happens every second Wednesday of the month, and I thought I would try to participate in as many of them as I could this year.  These posts are centered around a particular aspect of life as assigned by the hostesses.  Last month the topic was Let’s Look at How I Organize for the New Year.  Since I don’t really do anything special to organize for the new year, I didn’t participate in that one.  But I do eat!

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