On the first Monday of each month, I do a Memory Lane Monday post. Last month was so busy, I didn’t even get one in! Yes, I know we already have TBT and FBF, but I like the sound of Memory Lane Monday. Plus today happens to be Monday and I had a memory today that I wanted to share, so there you go. And it’s not just Monday…it’s Labor Day Monday! So let’s step it up, and head down Memory Lane…
Labor Day was signed in to being by President Grover Cleveland in 1894 to pay tribute to the American worker. To many people, Labor Day means the end of summer. To some it means no more wearing white pants or shoes! I don’t think that’s followed so closely anymore, though. Ha! When I was growing up, school never started until AFTER Labor Day.
But another thing that Labor Day has always brought to my mind is my birthday. Sometimes my birthday is ON Labor Day. And when I think of my birthday, I also think of Big Eagle and our long-time friend Denny Parker. Because Denny’s birthday is today, the 2nd. Big Eagle’s is tomorrow. And mine is the 4th.
Now the mind is a funny thing. I thought we used to celebrate our birthdays together. So today, I went through all my pictures. I said ALL my pictures! That means boxes of pictures. I was sure there would be one in there of us celebrating together. So weird, though. It seems like every year, once August pictures were taken, we didn’t take any more until Thanksgiving. As I went through the pictures, that pattern kept repeating. Big Eagle isn’t sure if we ever really celebrated together or not either. So I will have to rely on Denny and his wife Lora to let me know through THEIR memories.
Here’s a picture of Lora and Denny back in the era when I was thinking we celebrated our birthdays together some years. This is December 1979. They were getting ready to go out to some kind of Christmas function, as I recall, and we were keeping their boys.
The fun thing for me this year is that they will be here Wednesday night to help me celebrate my birthday! Which is extra special since Big Eagle will be out of town, and otherwise I would be home on my own. So I’m really looking forward to their visit.
And just to be fair, here is a picture of Big Eagle and me also in December 1979. Danny is in the photo, too. He’s 3 years old. And I’m about 3 months pregnant with Cara.
So…good memories for me always around Labor Day, and I’m hoping to create more with old friends in a couple of days.
Any memories you’d like to share? Please do! Just comment below.