Home » Memory Lane Monday – Dec. 16, 2019

Memory Lane Monday – Dec. 16, 2019

It’s the third Monday of the month, so that means it’s time for a Memory Lane Monday post.  I was a little surprised when I realized that this MLM falls on what would have been my mother’s 104th birthday.  So I’m honoring Mom by sharing a picture from each year that she celebrated her birthday while living here in Texas with Big Eagle and me.  Actually some years warranted more than just one picture.  With a bit of a heavy heart, yet thankful for the celebrations we had, come join me as I head down memory lane.



This year was special for a few reasons.  It was the first year Mom lived in Texas on her birthday.  She was turning 90 years old.  It was the only Texas birthday that all nine of her living children attended.




For most of the years that Mom lived here, I took her to Debra’s salon every Saturday morning to get her hair done.  This day she was getting her hair done on her birthday, and Debra did it up right.  After her shampoo, in came the staff and presented her with the perfect gift for her at the time. 🍷  🤣


To be fair to Mom, if I’m going to show her with her wet head, I need to show her at the end of her appointment, too.  And look at the darling cake Debra presented her with!  I’ll forever be grateful for how special she made this day for Mom.


We took Mom to Carrabba’s that night to celebrate!




My sister Susan and her daughter Emily came to help Mom celebrate!  This picture of Susan and Mom was taken at Outback Restaurant where we took Mom for dinner.


Afterwards we came home and Mom opened her gifts.  😊



Okay, I don’t know what happened in 2008, but I can find NO birthday pictures.  We had a large group for Thanksgiving that year, so who knows…maybe it took me a really long time to recover?


So instead, for this year, you get a before and after.  My sister Nancy and her family were here for Thanksgiving.  Also Paul and Cara were here, as well as Danny.  We also had some folks that Big Eagle worked with come by to have a turkey fried and visit.  See Mom enjoying her mimosa?  So this is the before.


Some time after Mom’s birthday, Paul and Cara came back up to visit.  I think it was between Christmas and New Year’s.




Mom’s favorite was chocolate.  Here she is opening a gift from one of my siblings that made her very happy! 😋 It also made her happy to have my sister Susan and her daughter Emily here for her birthday this year. 😊




On Mom’s 95th my brothers Steve and Jack and my sister Susan along with her kids Emily and Wesley were all here.  Also my daughter Cara was here with Little Helen.  It was a good time!







Mom enjoyed seeing my brother Herb along with Twyla and his son Don.  They helped to make her 97th special. 😍




In the autumn of 2013 Mom fell and broke her knee.  She never was able to stand or walk after that, even with therapy.  But by God, she was still a trooper!  Nothing made her more happy than to be surrounded by family.




My Mom’s only living sister, my Aunt Dorothy, came from Illinois for Mom’s 99th.  That was extra special!  It should be noted that she also made the trip down in 2005 for Mom’s 90th.





It’s the BIG ONE…Mom turns ***100***!  My biggest embarrassment is that I dressed her in the same top she wore last year for her birthday.  Sorry, Mom!  But here she is with all her grandkids and a great grandson who were able to attend.  Sweet!





I actually had no pictures from this year.  Only two videos from which I couldn’t even get a good screen shot.  So shout out to my sister Susan who came to the rescue with this one.  Thanks, Susan!




In 2017 Big Eagle and I were in Barbados celebrating our 45th anniversary during Mom’s birthday.  So I also have my sister Susan to thank for this photo.




Susan also sent me this great photo of Mom smiling while we’re all singing “Happy Birthday” to her during her last birthday with us.


After singing, we all applauded!  And yes, she did blow out the candles.


Happy birthday, Mom, wherever you are today!  I’m sure you’re with who you need to be with and doing just what you need to do.  And there’s definitely music and dancing involved.  Know that we are all with you in spirit.  I love you forever.




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