Home » March Favorites! 2020

March Favorites! 2020

March 2020 was definitely a topsy-turvy month to say the least!  The vast majority of people are living restricted and facing uncertainty.  So many are dealing with illness, whether battling it personally or on the front line helping those infected.  Yet even in times like these we can find things for which to be grateful.  So, yes, I’m still posting my monthly favorites in which I focus on people and things that have brought me joy throughout the month.  Today is April 1st (uh-oh…April Fool’s Day), so it’s time to look back at March.

Favorite #1

I’m listing this one first, because I actually meant to post it in February favorites, but somehow overlooked it.

I am a die-hard fan of American Idol, so I watch every episode once the season begins each year.  Although it looks like COVID-19 is cutting those episodes short this year.  From what I can gather, there are only three episodes left, and they’re all pre-taped:  April 5th will be the second half of the last episode that was aired.  Then on the 12th and the 19th they will air special episodes called “American Idol: This Is Me” in which they look into the lives of the top 20 contestants.  But with no live shows able to air at this time, I’m wondering what will happen.  Will they come back when the virus is gone and do the live shows with the top 20?  In the grand scheme of things, it’s not all that important, right?  But still I wonder.  In the meantime, Big Eagle and I are working our way through The Game of Thrones.  We’re only on season three.  So I guess we’ll be watching those a little more frequently once Idol is no longer airing.


Favorite #2

I took this picture on the first day of March.


I love the way the garden looks right after we’ve finished amending the soil for the new season.  It’s like a blank canvas.  The only things that were growing in it at this point are the tiny new sugar snap peas to the right of the pavestones and the onions that aren’t really in this frame.  The peas are so new you can’t even see them in this picture, but they’re there.


Favorite #3

On March 6, Danny texted this picture of himself in New Zealand under a sign with our family name on it.  Cool!


Favorite #4

Also on March 6th, Big Eagle and I went to Dirty Job Brewing in Mansfield for their trivia night.  We’d been there once before for dinner, and we were intrigued when they told us they have trivia every Friday night, so we decided to check it out.  They played 3 rounds of general knowledge trivia that night, and holy cow…we won the first round!


The prize was this gift certificate to be used on a future visit!  When this virus is history, we’ll definitely be going back.  That’s assuming they’ll still be in business.  Btw…we didn’t do as well in rounds 2 and 3, but we still had a fun time. 😀


Favorite #5

Our granddaughters had Tourist Day at their school in Nigeria on March 17th.  Cara posted this picture of Helen the night before when they were prepping for it.  I love it!


 And this next picture is both girls the next morning.  I’m assuming they were waiting for the bus since it’s still dark outside.


Helen is a French tourist, and Edie is a Hamptons tourist.  So cute!


Favorite #6

On March 23rd my son Danny and his wife Erin were trying to secure living accommodations before New Zealand began its coronavirus lock down the next day.  I was so relieved and happy to get news from them that they had gotten confirmation on a holiday home near the water in Nelson.

This picture shows Erin at the entrance to the place they’re renting.  A big favorite for March!


Favorite #7

My daughter Cara and her family left Nigeria and arrived here on March 22nd.  They are in their second week of self-quarantine in our addition.  So while we are keeping our distance, I at least am able to see them and visit with them.  And who knew there would be other perks involved?  Cara made lemon poppy seed muffins and shared them by putting out a baggie of them for Big Eagle and me.  Delicious!  (No worries…she wipes everything down with a disinfectant wipe before leaving anything for us.)

And look at this picture of Paul this past Saturday morning:


He’s washing windows!  Sweet!  Yep, they were pretty dirty.  I have to admit they hadn’t been cleaned in years. 😳  But not only that…later in the afternoon that same day, he made his specialty: homemade pretzels!  And he put out a plate of them for us!


YUM! 😋


Favorite #8

That same day I was busy getting ready to plant my tomato and pepper transplants.  I was also preparing to get my cucumber seeds in the ground.  Every year I save my eggshells all winter long to crush up and put in the holes before planting tomatoes.  This year I divided the shells into two baggies and left them for the girls to pulverize for me, and then they sprinkled them into the holes.  Cara took these pictures.


Edie sprinkling in eggshells



Helen sprinkling in eggshells

Helen was wearing her Halloween costume from this past October.  I teased her that I’d never had a diner waitress working in my garden before. 🤣



Putting water in the hole


Planting the cucumber seeds

I sat at a distance in the shade and supervised.  It was fun watching them.


Favorite #9

Cara hadn’t packed any books for the girls’ bedtime ritual, so she asked if I had any.  There was a time I had beaucoups of children’s books, but I’ve given them all away now.  I was only able to round up 3.  One of those belonged to Big Eagle when he was little.  It’s called The Little Mailman of Bayberry Lane.  When I asked Cara the next day which one they read, that was the one.

Then on Sunday she texted me this picture:


Edie had decided to reread the story on her own.  Be still my heart!  LOVE this girl!


Favorite #10

While staying in the addition, Cara had found the old plastic rollers my mom used to use in the cabinet under the bathroom sink.  And she actually used them to roll Helen’s hair!


This was a first for Helen.  She’d never slept in rollers before!  And look how darn cute once the rollers were out:



Favorite #11

The girls are spending a lot of time on the swing Big Eagle put up for them.


And I spend a lot of time watching them from our patio or from the fence. 😍


Favorite #12

The girls had been practicing in Nigeria to put on a dance performance.  We don’t know now if they’ll ever actually be able to put on their performance.  I hope things eventually get back to some kind of normal, and that they and the other girls in the group are able to go on with their show.  But in the meantime, they donned their costumes yesterday and performed for me in the back yard while I sat on my patio.  Cara provided the recorded music that accompanies their dance.  I was very impressed!




Favorite #13

It’s springtime!  YAY!  My favorite season of the year!  Everything greens up.  Rain comes and makes the outdoors smell fresh.  The birds sing a happy song.  New growth is everywhere.  I took these two pictures in the garden just yesterday…the last day of March:


The cucumbers the girls planted are already up!


Green beans coming to life!


Wow!  13 favorites!  That’s more than usual.  The girls definitely bring a happy light to daily life.  Today (April 1st) they share a birthday under quarantine.  And I know they will make the best of it.  Edie is turning 7, and Helen is celebrating her first decade of life!

Looking toward what is in store for us through April, I hope there are just as many silver linings.  I’ve never lived through a pandemic before.  There are a lot of unknowns.  While we’re doing our best to curb this thing, I hope everyone can find bright spots and moments for which to be grateful.



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