Home » Let’s Look at My Winter Wardrobe!

Let’s Look at My Winter Wardrobe!

The second Wednesday of the month means it’s time for Let’s Look!  One of my blogging goals this year is to participate each month with Erika and Shay in their Let’s Look link-up.  This one is forcing me to step a little outside my comfort zone.  We’re looking at my winter wardrobe.

Let’s get two things straight right from the start here.  (1) I enjoy taking pictures, but I am not an accomplished photographer.  (2) Fashion and style are fun to follow, but I am definitely not a clotheshorse and certainly not model material.  For those reasons, this felt like new territory to me and a bit uncomfortable.

Now, winter in north Texas is really the most fluctuating season we have.  You can get a high temp of 80 one day and the next day not get out of the twenties or thirties.  It’s crazy!  Lately we’ve been kind of following a pattern of cold during the week and then warming up on the weekends, which isn’t too bad because it makes the weekends enjoyable.  All that to say, if you are “looking”, you are going to see my cold-weather wardrobe.  My true WINTER wardrobe includes warm weather clothes, as well.  And I’m not showing my WHOLE wardrobe, but I’m mainly including the cold-weather clothes I wear most often.  Okay, here we go!


I would say this is the outfit I have reached for the most this winter.  I actually got both the shirt and the vest in a Stitchfix delivery over a year ago.  And the jeans were in a Stitchfix order further back than that.  I’ll tell you, taking these pictures gave me a new appreciation for those bloggers who post a lot of fashion selfies.  For most of these I used the tripod set-up with my selfie stick and clicked the remote to snap the picture.  I found that often those pictures would come out a little fuzzy like this one.


I’ve also seen where bloggers take the selfie from this kind of angle.  So I gave it a try.  And I moved to a different light source.  You can see the colors in the shirt a lot better in this pic.

Another outfit I’ve worn a lot this season is this crossover sweater.  It also was in a Stitchfix order over a year ago.


Same jeans.  I bought the scarf in 2018 in Oregon from a booth at a festival we attended.  Most often I wear this top without the scarf, but on colder days, I’ll throw it on.  It was  a challenge for me to find the right combination of a background and lighting that will work when taking these pictures.


The night we went to see Revolution by the Ft. Worth Symphony, I wore this outfit.  The top and pants are both super old, as in over a decade old!  But I don’t get to wear the top that often.  The weather that evening was cool, but not cold, and this top was perfect to be warm enough, but not too warm.  It’s a sheer top I bought at Chico’s, but it’s 100% silk, so it’s fairly warm for being sheer.  I wear a cami underneath.  Could not get these pictures to come out any clearer using the selfie remote.  Ugh!

Next up is this yellow sweater which I’ve been wearing fairly often.


It’s longer in the back which makes it a good choice to wear with leggings, as I am here.

I’ve been working on acquiring more everyday casual dresses for a while now, but I hadn’t been successful finding any for cold weather.  I had been eyeing this one that kept popping up in Old Navy ads.  Then one day when Big Eagle and I were exchanging a Christmas gift I had given him, we were near an Old Navy, so we went in to see what was what, and there was the dress on sale!


Had to get my baby in a picture.  Ha!  At this writing, this dress is actually still available here for $24.97 in this color and in maroon.  And they have it in grey or green for $15!

Now I know my daughter Cara would say that it would look better with a belt, so this one’s for you, Cara! 😜



One of my favorite things about winter is that I get to wear my western boots!  I’ve had them MANY years.  Got them at the Tesky’s booth when we went to the stock show one year.  I ordered this top back in the fall from Abercrombie.  It is really SUPER cozy and warm, so it has to be pretty cold out to wear it, but I’ve been able to wear it several times.

I wore it one day when Cara and her family were here, and she said it looked like I was ready to go out on a hunt.  🤣  I also wore it when Big Eagle and I went out to eat one night.  It was perfect while we were outside, but after being inside at our table for a while, I started to get too warm.


The neat thing is you can wear it snapped up at the collar or unsnapped.  That night at dinner, I unsnapped it like this when I started to get too warm, and all was well again.  Right now it’s still available here in S, XS, and XXS in this color for $39.99.  There are other colors, too, but most are priced higher.  However the maroon is on sale for $27.20. Size availability varies based on the color.

This next top I call my “Flinstones” top, because the dots are not round like a polka-dot, but look more like what you might have seen on Wilma’s dress.  And I think the color is kind of like Wilma’s dress.  I bought this on sale from Old Navy the same day I got the shirt dress.  I like the gathered hem, because it’s not so gathered that it grips you, but rather it hangs loosely.  When I looked for it online, I found it was no longer available.



I used to have a camel-colored pullover sweater that I wore A LOT, but it was finally too stretched out and pilling, so a few years ago I tossed it.  Big Eagle gave me a gift card to Nordstrom’s on Christmas this year, and when they had their after-holiday sale, I looked for a replacement.


And it’s 100% CASHMERE!  Yay!  It’s still available here, but only in XL and XXL.  But there are other colors, too, in varying size availability and they’re all 33% off right now.

This is another technique I’ve seen fashion bloggers use.  Taking the picture in the mirror.  A lot of them have a mirror in their closet.  I don’t.  So, yeah…I’m in the bathroom.  And look at my hand holding the phone.  It looks GIANT!  Ah, well.  At least the picture is clearer than the ones I took using the remote.

Now, ya gotta have a toasty jacket or coat for winter time, and this is my go to:


I purchased this Calvin Klein jacket Y-E-A-R-S ago.  Don’t even remember where.  Maybe Dillard’s.  It is the warmest coat I have ever owned.  I don’t normally wear the hood up like I am in this picture, but it’s there if I need to.  I plan on wearing it for many more years.

Also in the winter, I’m able to break out the long sleeves and tights in my workout wear!  Granted, about 15 minutes into the workout, I’m pushing up the sleeves.  Ha!  But the long sleeves keep me warm on my way to the studio and during my errand running which I often do afterwards.

Here’s just one of my winter workout ensembles.  (Doesn’t THAT sound fancy?)  I won’t bore you with any more.  I was able to catch Big Eagle during a break, so he took this pic for me.

Ahhhhh, bedtime!  My pajama wardrobe is nothing special.  Usually just a t-shirt and sweat pants.  So romantic, right?  But it IS comfortable.  And of course, in the winter I wear my “Grandma” robe more often, too.  It was given to me by my fellow teachers on the third-grade team when I retired.  I wear it sometimes in the summer, but I don’t need it for warmth then…just for a quick cover-up.


Contacts out, makeup off.  It’s bedtime!

But first, one more new-this-season winter wardrobe item.  Also with that Nordstrom gift card and during that sale, I bought these UGG Dakota Shearling Pompom Slippers, and I LOVE them!


I don’t love all those nasty-looking veins, but that’s another “ah, well”.  I know I won’t be wanting to wear these slippers when the weather warms up, but they’re so perfect during this cold rainy stuff we’re having today.

That’s the crux of my winter wardrobe!  I’ll have to figure out this selfie thing for fashion pictures.  Maybe get myself a mirror for my closet.  If any of you out there have any suggestions, tips, advice for me on the matter, I’m a sponge waiting to soak it up.  Not that I plan on doing a lot of fashion posts, but I know we have one coming up in the summer, and I’m hoping I’ve improved by then!  Any other comments are welcome, too.  Thanks so much for hanging in ’til the end!

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