Home » Let’s Look at My Bedside Table!

Let’s Look at My Bedside Table!

This guy is like, “Yeah, I’m ready…let’s look!” 🤣

Last year I participated in one of Erika and Shay‘s “Let’s Look” link-ups, and it was fun!  If you missed it, you can check it out here.  One of my blogging goals this year is to participate regularly in this monthly link-up.  It’s held every second Wednesday of the month, and it let’s everyone take a little peek into different parts of each other’s lives.  So it fits perfectly with the theme of “allthelittlebits”.  The year is kicking off with a look at our bedside tables, so let’s look!

Okay, here’s the sad thing this month.  My bedside table (which I typically call the nightstand) is pretty bare right now.


We’re planning an update to our master and one other bedroom, so I’ve removed everything from our bedroom except the larger pieces of furniture.  They will hopefully be exiting soon, too.  All I left was the clock radio, which looks really old-school, but I use it just to see the time.  Normally there is also a lamp.  But that’s really pretty much it.  My stack of TBR books is on a shelf in my closet.  The one I’m currently reading is in the living room.

I do keep a pair of warm footsie-type slippers in the top drawer for when my feet get cold.

You also see there on the left a coaster.  I pull that out on the mornings I decide to sit up in bed to read my devotional and so forth.  I set my cup of coffee on it.  The bottom drawer?  I don’t even remember the last time I opened it!  Ha!

That’s it in a nutshell!  You’ve looked at my bedside table (which I call a nightstand).  (Oh, I already said that.)




So when I opened the top drawer to show you my slippers and coasters?  Well, this is what it really looked like:

What the…?  Why on Earth have I been keeping copies of bank statements (on the left) and old pay stubs on top of MORE bank statements (on the right) in the bedside table (nightstand)?  That makes NO sense.  Why aren’t they in a proper file in a proper file cabinet?  IDK!  But that changes now!


And once I removed those (which you see now in the bottom left two stacks on the bed), I found other items that were quite perplexing.  More questions arose as I pulled things from the drawer.  Like why are there things in here from the 1980’s and early 90’s?  We’ve moved three times since then!  Wouldn’t these things have already been purged?  Just LOOK!  A CWF blessing box, a mangled copy of The Upper Room, a cantata book from when I sang in the Northwood Choir (and not very well, mind you), a Sunday school book from Winter 1991-92, and letters we received while we attended a Marriage Encounter weekend in 1984!  Are they still holding Marriage Encounter weekends?

Oh, it gets worse!  Yes, I did it…I opened the bottom drawer!


I was on the Evangelism Committee?  Wow!  I must not have been on it for very long, because sadly I don’t remember evangelising anyone.  I wonder if the Evangelism Committee in Beaumont wants their index card box back.  It’s really nice with dividers and lots of index cards, and a hand-written instruction card in the front.  The date on the instruction card is 1992.  I wonder if they even still use the index card method.  Doubtful.

I’m too embarrassed to even post a picture of what was spread out on the bed by the time I had emptied the bottom drawer.  All I can say is WOW!

So now there you REALLY have it…my nightstand (bedside table).  Maybe if I DID have a bedside table instead of a nightstand, I wouldn’t have these big deep drawers in which to harbor these ancient artifacts.  Perhaps that should be part of our bedroom update!  No more nightstand!  Switch to a bedside table!  Sounds like a plan!

In the end, I owe a HUGE thanks to Erika and Shay for helping me get some major decluttering done.  I think I’m going to like this “Let’s Look” link-up. 😁

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