Home » February Favorites 2022!

February Favorites 2022!

This will be a pretty short “favorites” post, because we spent the first half of the month pretty much just staying home in hopes of avoiding COVID so we could go on vacation, and the second half actually on vacation.  But there were a few favorites I want to share, so here they are!


The first week of February we had a pretty good snow event.  While I was doing dishes, Annie needed out, so I let her out and went back to my dishes.  When I noticed her at the door wanting in, I realized that she had really been enjoying the snow!

There was snow all over her back, too, so I’m pretty sure she’d been rolling around in it.

I got into a little snow action myself later.  The snow was so fluffy, though, that it was hard to make much of a snowman.

This little snowlady was the best I could manage!



Around the middle of February we received the onions we had ordered.

This is half the order.  They looked really great this year!  We’re hopeful for a good crop this season.  And we made sure we got them in before we went on vacation.  I also planted sugar snap peas.

The peas are in that bottom left corner.  That’s why it looks like it’s just dirt over there.



The second half of the month was spent on the trip of a lifetime for us…Antarctica!

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you’ve already read the first four posts I’ve done about this trip.  If not, you can find them here: Antarctica Trip Part 1, Antarctica Trip Part 2, Antarctica Trip Part 3, and Antarctica Trip Part 4.  I’m planning at least one and maybe two more posts covering our trip.

We are over a week into March, and I’m still having trouble thinking that we’re in March already!  The weather here in north Texas is all over the place.  Freezing this morning, in the sixties this afternoon, another freeze expected Friday into Saturday.  Crazy!  Maybe after that we’ll finally be done with Old Man Winter.  That remains to be seen.  Holding off planting anything else until after this weekend.  Then maybe more root vegetables and lettuce and spinach.  The more tender crops still need to wait.

I would appreciate hearing about YOUR February or anything else you want to share.  Please feel free to comment below!


  1. KarenHarwood@yajoo.com says:

    Good to hear from you. Garden looks great. I love those marks. Did Alan make them , wish I could see a close up of them. One year Sara made me some for my garden and drew a tomato etc on them but after few years it washed off, I never could draw but just pained it and wrote on it. Lol. But I like tall ones , Steve get the wood out !! So cute. I covering my radios, lettuce up on frost blanket It’s getting to be winter here too for three evening. But looks nicer for two weeks. But we don’t put nothing in until April 15. We had 70s and high 60s for few weeks but now it going to be 60s for two weeks than we have to see . Our peas are up few inches sure takes two weeks coming up. But if we get a trace of snow they are calling for, it won’t hurt them !! Well close , thanks for writing sure enjoy reading your post.

  2. Shazza says:

    Looking forward to seeing more photos of your trip! Love that pic of Annie, she’s so sweet.
    Rob gave me a mini greenhouse, so I’ve got a small container garden started (kinda on the scale of your snowman ;). Just tomatoes, peppers & some herbs for now. March started with beautiful spring-like weather,,,,and pollen. Lots of pollen. Deeks comes to the back door with pollen all over his back & tail, instead of snow.

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