Home » December 2019 Favorites!

December 2019 Favorites!

Happy New Year, Everyone!  I hope your holidays were everything you wanted them to be!  We enjoyed them here.  Once my daughter Cara and her family arrived, I pretty much went on a computer hiatus.  Now it’s time to get back into the blogosphere, and I’m starting by looking back on December.  There were many great memories made, but I managed to pick out my favorites.  As usual, many of them aren’t things, but are people I love having in my life.

Favorite #1

I love peppermint bark coffee!  Keurig only carries it seasonally, and I’d been watching for them to have it in stock.  Once it showed, I ordered 3 boxes, so I could have it on hand for a while.  😋


Favorite #2


I already did a post for our anniversary here, but looking back on the last month of 2019, I have to mention it again.  Celebrating 47 years together was a favorite event!


Favorite #3

Getting together with friends was a favorite of December.  It’s always a good time when I meet up with these two.


Juli, Lynn, Gale

This was at our December book club meeting.  We also had a lunch/shopping day during the month that was fun.


Favorite #4

Mid-December my sister Susan helped me out, so I am appreciating her in this favorites post.  Mom’s birthday would have been on the 16th.  I’m always busy planning her party during the first half of the month, so it seemed strange to not have that activity happening.  I wanted to at least remember Mom with flowers on her gravesite, but it’s all the way in Florida.  Susan didn’t hesitate to say yes when I asked if she could pick up the arrangement from the florist and take it out to the cemetery that Monday for me.  What a gem!  And she even texted me a picture after she had accomplished the task.


Another favorite that goes along with this happened the day before.  My daughter in Nigeria was FaceTiming with me when my youngest granddaughter Edie showed me the birthday card she had made for Great Grandma.  I thought it was so sweet that she was thinking of Mom.  I don’t have a picture to share, but I was just really touched by her thoughtfulness and sensitivity.


Favorite #5

While we were in Florida back in October, we ordered a new Christmas tree from Robert’s Christmas Wonderland in Clearwater where my niece works.  We don’t have a lot of space, so I wanted a thin tree.  We found the perfect one!


I love it!

Favorite #6

I also bought a new Christmas decoration at Cracker Barrel while I was on my road trip in September.  After I got it home and took it out of the box, it didn’t impress me as much as it did in the store.

But once I got it out for Christmas, placed the batteries in it and turned it on, I was entranced again!  It’s my favorite new Christmas decoration for this year!


Favorite #7

On my mind and in my heart all holiday long were my son Danny and his wife Erin.  They both worked on an Antarctic cruise ship all of December and actually still are.  Danny is an expedition leader and Erin is an assistant expedition leader.  So they weren’t able to be here at all during the holiday season.  But here is my favorite picture that they texted me in December:


Erin and Danny on board the Scenic Eclipse

The Eiffel Tower here is made out of gingerbread!  I love these two so much, and they’re in my prayers daily.

Favorite #8

These girls!

My daughter Cara, her husband Paul, and my granddaughters Helen and Edie arrived on December 28th!  Since they moved to Nigeria, we only see them twice a year…in the summer and around the Christmas/New Year’s holiday.  The girls had fun flying down the incline of our driveway on their new roller skates.  They were only here until the 2nd, but we crammed a lot of memory-making into 5 days!  Favorite visitors of the month!


Favorite #9

Big Eagle and I celebrated Christmas on our own on the 25th, and it was good.  But what’s better than celebrating Christmas once?  Celebrating a second time, of course!  We celebrated with the Bovet clan on the 29th.


Edie, Gale, Big Eagle, Paul, and Helen

Here we are enjoying our “Christmas” lunch.  We should have used a tripod, so we could get Cara in the picture, but instead she was the photographer.


Favorite #10

Another natural favorite was celebrating New Year’s Eve together, as well!







Paul and Cara

Now none of us are really what you would call night owls.  I, for one, am quite the opposite, actually.  An early-to-bed, early-to-rise kind of gal.  But we were determined, and we all were up at the stroke of midnight to welcome in 2020 with hugs and kisses.  Five minutes later, we were all headed to our pillows.  Ha!


Favorite #11

One last favorite of December.  I received many wonderful Christmas gifts, and one of my favorites was from Helen.


She made this sweet candle holder for me!  Such a blessing to have little hands (ones that I know won’t be little much longer) work with ME in mind!  Even though the colors are Christmas-themed, I am keeping this candle holder on my desk all through the year. 😍


Today the Bovets are back in Nigeria.  The Christmas decorations have all been put away for a couple of days now.  The house still has that kind of naked feel it always has once the decorations are removed.  Now it’s onward into 2020!  Sounds kind of sci-fi, doesn’t it?  That’s my age talking, I guess.

Now, if you’d like to elaborate on any of your favorite moments from December, I hope you’ll do so in the comments.  Thanks for reading about mine!





This post linked to The GRAND Social



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