Home » August 2024 Favorites!

August 2024 Favorites!

Seems August went by at a pretty fast clip!  I have a few favorites to share now as I reflect over the month.


Our granddaughters started school on August 8th.  I always love seeing their first day of school pics!

Helen is a freshman in high school! What?!


And Edith is in the top class at her middle school!



When I was watering my plants one day, I was delighted to see that my Calathea Gecko had made a flower!


So delicate!


This one makes up the majority of this post.  On the 15th, Big Eagle and I boarded a plane for Vilnius, Lithuania!  Much earlier in the year our son Danny invited us to come in August and help take care of our grandson Leo.  Our daughter-in-law Erin was starting back on her teaching contract, and Danny was still going to be working as expedition leader in the arctic during her first week back.

It was a great trip, and we loved spending time with them!  Get ready for all the pictures!  (Well, not really ALL of them.  For this post, I culled them down to about one per day of the visit.)

Erin and Leo had spent a large part of the summer in the U.S. with her parents.  The two of them were flying to Lithuania at the same time as we were.  Our plane got in around 5:30.  They had been scheduled to arrive about an hour after us, but they got delayed by two hours.


Erin and Leo entering the baggage area after exiting their plane

It was all I could do to take care of myself during that long flight.  I don’t know how Erin did it making that trip on her own with Leo, especially with the delays.  And she’s still smiling!


Swinging at the park the next day.  Normally he would be on the baby swing, but it seems that every park in town has one baby swing and one regular swing, so everybody has to wait for their turn.  A good lesson, I suppose.


Just got up from his nap!


Reading with Grandpa one morning after Mom had gone to work.


Rainy days are for stomping in puddles!  It actually didn’t rain much at all while we were there.  But this particular morning it did.


This time Leo had his turn on the baby swing.  Yay!


Leo loves to be wheeled around on his little scooter.  Here Erin is pushing him around inside the courtyard of their apartment building after work one day.


I was walking with him inside of their apartment complex, and he was so proud to show me a rock he had just picked up! 🥰


Big Eagle and I took Leo on a grocery store excursion one morning.  Here we’re on our way to the store.



It’s Saturday afternoon, and Dad just got home from his arctic trip!


On Sunday, the five of us went to the beach by the river!


Sharing an apple with Dad after finishing playing down by the water.


Danny is confident enough to steer Leo on his scooter along the city sidewalks.


Getting your teeth brushed is more fun when you can brush the other person’s teeth at the same time!  🤪



After we returned home from our trip, one of the first things I did was to water my plants.  When I went to my Miltonia orchid, I saw that while we were gone, it had dropped it’s last flower, and it had dried right there on the table beside the plant.  Big Eagle thinks I’m crazy, but I think it is just really beautiful, and I don’t want to throw it away.  At least not yet.


And now it’s September 1st!  The days are becoming shorter, and the holidays are fast approaching.  For many, this is the first day of fall, but personally, I like to wait for astronomical fall, so for me it’s still a few weeks away.  By then it may actually be starting to feel a little more like fall temperature-wise.  One can always hope!

Would love to hear about any favorites YOU may have from the last full month of summer!  And how about it, are you a meteorological type of fall person or astronomical?


  1. Big Eagle says:

    Was a GREAT month. Thought when we went to Lithuania the temperatures wopuld be cool. Boy was I fooled! Cooler there but still prety warm.

  2. Danny says:

    It was SO NICE to have you both here, and get to spend some time together. Thanks for helping with Leo while I was away. Happy Birthday to you both!

  3. How I loved this post!! Sooooo glad to see all the photos of Leo and photos of you guys with your son, DIL and that sweet baby boy. He is beautiful. Did he warm up to you guys right away? Declan, my almost 3-year-old, knows who I am, I think, but still needs a little time to get warmed up. The girls are both such sweet young women. Helen is my Cadence’s age. And Edith is no longer a little girl, is she?
    Love the delicate bloom your Gecko surprised you with. And I totally get not wanting to sweep the spent blossom of your orchid. It is pretty just like that. My Christmas cactus bloomed while we were gone earlier this year, I cleaned up the faded flowers, but later discovered a part of a bloom that had fallen off and stuck itself to the window sill. I should clean it off, it has stained the white paint pink. But it is so pretty!! And such a happy reminder.

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