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10 on the 10th!

Today I’m participating in a new-to-me linkup offered by Leslie at onceuponatimehappilyeverafter!  It’s called 10 on the 10th.  On the 10th of every month, she will provide a prompt to which we will respond by listing 10 things that answer the prompt.  There was no prompt for January, so this is the first one for 2020.  And with Valentine’s Day coming up later this week, Leslie couldn’t have chosen a better prompt to begin with: 10 Lovable Things About Your Significant Other/BFF!  So do you want to know what I find lovable about Big Eagle?



I love his work ethic!  He has a job that involves a good bit of travel, but when he’s not traveling, he works out of his office here at home.  That takes a lot of discipline, and he’s very good at it.  And even outside of his job, whenever there’s a project or a task to be done, he stays after it until it’s complete.  From yard work to installing a new faucet or whatever needs doing, once he places it on his to-do list, it gets done!


I love that whenever he is out of town, he calls me every night to check in.  He tells me how his day went and asks about mine.  If for some reason things get hectic for him, he may not get to call.  In that case, he usually calls the next morning. 😍


He is always supportive of whatever I want to do.  Back when I was still running, he would accompany me to the events, whether a 5K, 10K, or even a marathon.  Can you imagine waiting around for someone to finish a marathon?  Especially someone who takes as long as I always did to complete it?  He was there all three times, and was such a welcome sight when I crossed the finish line.  And that’s just one example.  I could give many more, because he really is always supportive of me.


Whenever I ask him for help with something, he always obliges me.  Sometimes even when I don’t ask for help, he just shows up beside me and starts pitching in.


He enjoys going and doing and seeing with me!  It doesn’t matter if we’re going on vacation or going shopping for whatever or going to see where a road ends.  He likes to accompany me.  And vice versa…if he’s going up to Lowe’s or where ever he may be about to head out to, he asks if I want to come along. 😊


My husband is SMART!  I don’t know how he manages to store all that information in his brain.  I often find myself asking him, “How do you know that?”  Because he always seems to know this, that, or the other.  His answer is usually that he read it somewhere.  But sometimes he says, “Everybody knows that!”.  Duh…not me.  🤣


Whenever Big Eagle cooks something on the grill, it is DELICIOUS!  Everything from burgers to steak, or seafood skewers to fajitas, or baby back ribs to bbq chicken, it comes off tasting superb.  (Have I made you hungry yet?)  And the other awesome thing is, pretty much every time I suggest he grill, he’s down for it!  Yay!


I love how devoted my husband is to his family.  Not just me, but our kids, our grandkids, his mom, and how devoted he was to my mom.


I love how he lets the girls “fix” his hair when they’re here!


I think probably the truly number one reason I find my husband so lovable is that he knows me better than anyone else on the planet, and he still loves me!  He is my one true friend in the world. 💕


And here we are at #10!  Big Eagle often tells me that I look better without make-up.  If that doesn’t make a guy lovable, I don’t know what does!


Thank you to Leslie for coming up with such a great prompt!  Sometimes I need to stop and realize what’s most important in life and let the people I love know how much I think of them.


I love you, Alan!

What do YOU find lovable about your spouse, significant other, or BFF?  Got any plans for Valentine’s Day or any Valentine’s Day traditions?  I’d be happy for you to answer in the comments or share anything else on your mind today.

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